Seperti yang kamu tahu, LineageOS merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak ROM yang paling cepat merilis update. Dalam wakut sebulan, biasanya para developer LineageOS memberikan update sekitar 2-3 kali.
Nah, beberapa waktu yang lalu, LineageOS memberikan update terbaru untuk ROM mereka. Pada versi terbaru LineageOS, para developer membenahi berbagai permasalahan yang hadir misalnya saja KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability, quick setting tile untuk LiveDisplay, dan mendesain ulang recorder app.
Tidak hanya perbaikan yang DroidPoin sebutkan di atas, mereka juga memberikan beberapa perbaikan serta peningkatan lainnya. Berikut adalah daftar perbaikan lengkap pada LineageOS versi terbaru:
- Recorder app has gotten a major redesign, its now better thanks to the feedback provided in the Summer Survey.
- A LiveDisplay tile has been added
- KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability has been fixed in both LineageOS 14.1 and 13.0
- October security patches have been merged for both LineageOS 14.1 and 13.0
- November security patches have been merged for LineageOS 14.1 and 13.0
- Bypassing the lockscreen by switching to a lockscreen-less profile from quick settings has been blocked (BUGBASH-1095)
- The updater, among other minor improvements, now supports device unifications: when a device gets build merged with another one, the user will directly receive updates without requiring the user to manually flash the new build.
- Added support for extended length NFC (needs to be enabled per-device, if supported)
- Two new touchscreen gesture options have been added for lowering and raising the media volume
- Battery icon has been improved; the percentage will be shown in battery saver mode when the show percentage option is set. The exclamation mark in the battery has also been given more contrast so its easier on the eyes
- The Calendar app now shows week start and end in the title when in week view, instead of showing the month and year
- Gallery has received some stability improvements
- Making emergency calls without a sim card is now possible, in regions that allow it
- Issues with the Install button being greyed out when installing APKs should now be fixed (REGRESSION-1262)
Yang paling menarik, developer LineageOS juga mengumumkan bahwa pihaknya akan segera merilis LineageOS v15.1 yang berbasis Android 8.1 Oreo tak lama lagi, padahal hingga kini pihak LineageOS sendiri belum merilis ROM resmi yang menggunakan Android 8.0 Oreo.
So, untuk info yang lebih lengkap mari kita nantikan saja bersama beberapa waktu ke depan.
via XDA